Most recent
Article: “We can’t let this moment pass!”, Columban Interfaith eBulletin, February 2022
Book Chapter: “Grace and Dis-Grace: The Australian Catholic Church’s 70-Year Engagement with Governmental Migration Policy (1948-2018),” in The Church, Migration and Global (In)Difference, Pathways for Ecumenical and Interreligious Dialogue, D Dias et al. (eds) (Palgrave Macmillan, 2021), 347-367.
Book Chapter: “Ordination of Women: A ‘Bridge’ or a ‘Brake’ for Christian Unity?” in Stolen Churches or Bridges to Orthodoxy? Volume 2: Ecumenical and Practical Perspectives on the Othodox and Eastern Catholic Dialogue, Pathways for Ecumenical and Interreligious Dialogue. V. Latinovic, A. K. Wooden (eds), (Palgrave Macmillan, 2021), 139-160.
Book Chapter: “Women Changing the Church: The Experience of the Council for Australian Catholic Women 2000-2019” in Changing the Church: Transformations of Christian Belief, Practice and Life, Pathways for Ecumenical and Interreligious Dialogue, Mark D. Chapman, Vladimir Latinovic (eds), (Palgrave Macmillan, 2021), 101-110.
Journal Article: “Reading Dialogue and Proclamation Three Decades Later: An Oceanic Perspective” in Pro Dialogo (Dialogue and Proclamation: 30th Anniversary (1991-2021)), Citta del Vaticano: Pontificium Consilium pro Dialogo inter Religiones, 167, 2021/1.
Journal Article: “’Be Patient, Ladies! Be Patient!’: Women and the Australian Church (WATAC), 1982-2021, The Australasian Catholic Record, vol. 98, no. 3, July 2021, 259-283.
Book Review: Pluralism and peace: the religions in global civil society by John D’Arcy May (Bayswater, VIC: Coventry Press: 2019) in The Australasian Catholic Record, Vol 97, Issue 4, October 2020, 495-496.
Book Review: People, Communities and the Catholic Church in China by Chu, Cindy Yik-yi / Mariani, Paul P. (eds), (Heidelberg; Springer-Verlag 2020), in Orientalistische Literaturzeltung 2020: 115(4-5), 130-132.
Book Review: Sino-Vatican Relations: From Denunciation to Dialogue by Ambrose Mong (Cambridge: James Clarke & Co. 2019) in The Swag, Winter 2020.
Article: “Voices for Changing the Church in Australia” contribution to the Berkley Forum exploring Changing the Church: The Legacy of Gerard Mannion, 23 September 2020. Changing the Church: The Legacy of Gerard Mannion (
Book Chapter: “Looking Forward: Women and the Plenary Council” in Still Listening to the Spirit: Woman and Man Twenty Years Later, Sandie Cornish and Andrea Dean (eds), (Sydney: Office for Social Justice, Australian Catholic Bishops’ Conference, 2019), 156-163.
Foreword: Power of Popular Piety: A Critical Examination by Ambrose Mong (Eugene, Oregon: Cascade Books, 2019), xii-xiii.
Article: “Stirring the Waters: in conversation with Sr Dr Trish Madigan” – Interview with David Halliday in Melbourne Catholic magazine, March 2019, 44-45.
Book chapter: “Women During and After Vatican II” in Catholicism Opening to the World and Other Confessions: Vatican II and its Impact, eds Vladimir Latinovic, Gerard Mannion and Jason Welle OFM (Palgrave Macmillan, 2018), 79-96.
Book review: Dialogue Derailed: Joseph Ratzinger’s War Against Pluralist Theology by Ambrose Mong (Cambridge, UK: James Clarke, 2017) in Australasian Catholic Record, Vol 94, No 4, 505-507.
Book review: Guns and Gospel: Imperialism and Evangelism in China by Ambrose Mong (Cambridge, UK: James Clarke, 2016) in The Swag, Vol 25, No 2, Winter 2017, 47-48.
Book chapter: “Hope in Dark Times: Australian Churches Covenanting Together 1994-2014” in Hope in the Ecumenical Future, ed. Mark Chapman (Palgrave Macmillan, 2017) 167-182.
Book chapter: “Religion and the State: Contexts, Controversies and Conjectures in Australia, Indonesia and Egypt” in Religion, Authority, and the State: From Constantine to the Contemporary World, ed. Leo D. Lefebure, in Pathways for Ecumenical and Interreligious Dialogue series (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2016) 33-52.
Article: “ What is a Dominican theology?”, Wort und Antwort, June 2016. See
Article: “Nostra Aetate and Fifty Years of Interfaith Dialogue – Changes and Challenges” in Journal of the Australian Catholic Historical Society, Volume 36, 2015, 179-191.
Book chapter: “Ethics in a Multifaith Society: Christians and Muslims in Dialogue”, in Pathways for Interreligious Dialogue in the Twenty-First Century, eds Vladimir Latinovic, Gerard Mannion and Peter Phan (Palgrave Macmillan, 2016), 167-179.
Book chapter: “Graced by Migration: An Australian Perspective” in Christianities in Migration: The Global Perspective, vol. 3 in the series Theology and Migration in World Christianity: Contextual Perspectives, eds Elaine Padilla and Peter Phan (Palgrave Macmillan, 2016), 135-152.
Book chapter: “Traditions and Transformations: Catholic and Muslim Women in Dialogue” in Catholic Women Speak: Bringing Our Gifts to the Table (Mahwah NJ: Paulist Press, 2015), 37-39.
Research Project: “An Opening of the Heart to the Other and to Myself” – Report on the Experience of Young Catholic Women’s Interfaith Fellowship Participants 2013 – 2014” commissioned by the Council of Australian Catholic Women. Completed March 2015. To see a copy of the Report click here
Co-authored Book: Martha Ann Kirk and Patricia Madigan, Iraqi Women of Three Generations, San Antonio Texas Peace Centre and the Gulen Institute, 2014.
ABC Television: The Moral Compass – “Does Christianity really offer women a place at the table?”- Geraldine Doogue with Kristina Keneally, Julia Baird, Trish Madigan OP and John Dickson, ABC television. Sunday 3 May 2015.
Dawn Cherie Araujo, interview: “Q & A with Sr Trish Madigan”, National Catholic Reporter – Global Sisters Report, 28 April 2015
ABC Radio 702 panel discussion:“The Issue: Religion and Gender Equality” on John Cleary Sunday Nights, 10 pm. Panellists: Maha Abdo, CEO, United Muslim Women Association; Sr Trish Madigan, Dominican Sister, lecturer and author; Robyn Lenn, President, International Council of Jewish Women; Saphira Rameshfar, Australian Baha’i Community. Sunday 5 April 2015. Link:
Martha Ann Kirk and Patricia Madigan, Iraqi Women of Three Generations, San Antonio Texas Peace Centre and the Gulen Institute, 2014.
Women and Fundamentalism in Islam and Catholicism: negotiating modernity in a globalized world (Religions and Discourse series, Volume 53), Oxford: Peter Lang Publishers, 2011.
Reviews: Peter Maher, Bridges, No 51, June 2011; Ed Campion, The Swag, Winter 2011; Agnes Wilkins, One in Christ, Vol 45, No 1, 2011; Therese Vassarotti, The Australasian Catholic Record, October 2011; Ismail Albayrak, Pacifica, Vol 25, Issue 2, June 2012; Kevin Burke, Religion and Gender, Vol 2, No 2, 2012; Bulletin Quotidien Europe, No 10743, Dec 2012; Roxanne Marcotte, Journal for the Academic Study of Religion 27.3 (2014).
Book chapters
“Grace and Dis-Grace: The Australian Catholic Church’s 70-Year Engagement with Governmental Migration Policy (1948-2018),” in The Church, Migration and Global (In)Difference, Pathways for Ecumenical and Interreligious Dialogue, D Dias et al. (eds) (Palgrave Macmillan, 2021), 347-367.
“Ordination of Women: A ‘Bridge’ or a ‘Brake’ for Christian Unity?” in Stolen Churches or Bridges to Orthodoxy? Volume 2: Ecumenical and Practical Perspectives on the Othodox and Eastern Catholic Dialogue, Pathways for Ecumenical and Interreligious Dialogue. V. Latinovic, A. K. Wooden (eds), (Palgrave Macmillan, 2021), 139-160.
“Women Changing the Church: The Experience of the Council for Australian Catholic Women 2000-2019” in Changing the Church: Transformations of Christian Belief, Practice and Life, Pathways for Ecumenical and Interreligious Dialogue, Mark D. Chapman, Vladimir Latinovic (eds), (Palgrave Macmillan, 2021), 101-110.
“Looking Forward: Women and the Plenary Council” in Still Listening to the Spirit: Woman and Man Twenty Years Later, Sandie Cornish and Andrea Dean (eds), (Sydney: Office for Social Justice, Australian Catholic Bishops’ Conference, 2019), 156-163.
“Women During and After Vatican II” in Catholicism Opening to the World and Other Confessions: Vatican II and its Impact, eds Vladimir Latinovic, Gerard Mannion and Jason Welle OFM (Palgrave Macmillan, 2018), 79-96.
“Hope in Dark Times: Australian Churches Covenanting Together 1994-2014” in Hope in the Ecumenical Future, ed. Mark Chapman (Palgrave Macmillan, 2017) 167-182.
“Religion and the State: Contexts, Controversies and Conjectures in Australia, Indonesia and Egypt” in Religion, Authority and the State: from Constantine to the Secular and Beyond, ed. Leo Lefebure, in Pathways for Ecumenical and Interfaith Dialogue series (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2016), 33-52.
“Traditions and Transformations: Catholic and Muslim Women in Dialogue” in Catholic Women Speak: Bringing our Gifts to the Table (Mahwah NJ: Paulist Press, 2015), 37-39.
“Ethics in a Multifaith Society: Christians and Muslims in Dialogue”, in Pathways for Inter-religious Dialogue in the Twenty-First Century, eds Vladimir Latinovic, Gerard Mannion and Peter Phan (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2016), 167-179.
“Graced by Migration: an Australian Perspective” in Christianities in Migration: The Global Perspective, vol 3 in the series Theology and Migration in World Christianity: Contextual Perspectives, eds Elaine Padilla and Peter Phan (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2015), 135-152.
Refereed articles
Article: “ What is a Dominican theology?”, Wort und Antwort, June 2016. See
Article: “Nostra Aetate and Fifty Years of Interfaith Dialogue – Changes and Challenges” in Journal of the Australian Catholic Historical Society, Volume 36, 2015, 179-191.
Article: “ ‘It’s My Church and I Love it!’ – The Young Catholic Women’s Interfaith Fellowship Experience 2006-2009”, Australian eJournal of Theology, vol 20, no 2, 2013.
Article: “ Reviving the Gender Agenda: A Human Development Approach”, One In Christ, vol 44, no 2, December 2010.
Article: Women Negotiating Modernity: A Gender Perspective on Fundamentalisms in Catholicism and Islam, Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations, Birmingham, Vol. 20, No. 1, January 2009, 1-20.
Article: Women in Islam and Catholicism: Sydney Women Speak, Pacifica, June 2008, 210-223.
Article: The Threat of Fundamentalism? Some Christian and Muslim Perspectives, Compass Theological Review, vol 38, Winter, 2004, 14-18.
Book review: “Religions for Peace: A Call for Solidarity to the Religions of the World”, The Australasian Catholic Record, vol 81, no 1, January 2004, 124-125.
Book review: “Buddhist Perceptions of Jesus”, The Australasian Catholic Record, vol 80, no 4, October 2003, 522-523.
Book review: “At the Wellspring”, The Australasian Catholic Record, vol 80, no 1, January 2003, 125.
Article: “A Tale of Mountain Climbing and an Elephant in the Living Room: The Third Phase of the Ecumenical Movement” Compass Theological Review, vol 35, Winter, 2001, 21-26.
Research Projects
Research Project: “An Opening of the Heart to the Other and to Myself” – Report on the Experience of Young Catholic Women’s Interfaith Fellowship Participants 2013 – 2014” commissioned by the Council of Australian Catholic Women. Completed March 2015. To see a copy of the Report click here
Research Project: “Study of the Young Catholic Women’s Interfaith Fellowship participants’ post-course experience” commissioned by the Council of Australian Catholic Women. Completed March 2012. To see a copy of the Report click here
Research Project: “Three Generations of Women in Northern Iraq: How Gϋlen-Inspired Institutions are empowering young women to contribute to a more stable and peaceful future,” with Dr. Martha Ann Kirk, Professor of Religious Studies, University of Incarnate Word, San Antonio, Texas USA. Sponsored by the Gϋlen Institute and Fezalar Educational Institutions in June 2011. Now published as Iraqi Women of Three Generations.
Supplementary Paper: “Freedom of Religion, Belief and Gender in the 21st Century – a Catholic Perspective,” Australian Human Rights Commission Report on Freedom of Religion and Belief in the 21st Century, March 2011
Report on the Australian Women’s Coalition Intercultural Bridge-building Project: a study of the social and political impact of women’s intercultural dialogue. Completed March 2010
Research Project, “Australian Family Law and You,” Macquarie University Law School. Completed March 2009.
Conference Papers
Paper: “Nostra Aetate and Fifty Years of Interfaith Dialogue – Changes and Challenges” – talk given to the Australian Catholic Historical Society, St Patrick’s Church Hill, Sydney, September 2015.
Paper: ” Women During and After Vatican II” at WashingtonDC2015 Conference organised by The Ecclesiological Investigations International Research Network, Washington DC, May 2015
Paper: “Hope in Dark Times: Australian Churches Covenanting Together 1994-2014” at Oxford2014 Conference organized by The Ecclesiological Investigations International Research Network, Oxford, England, April 2014.
Paper: “Religion and the State: Contexts, Controversies and Conjectures in Australia, Indonesia and Egypt” at Belgrade2013 Conference organized by The Ecclesiological Investigations International Research Network, Belgrade, Serbia , June 2013.
Presentation: “ Interfaith Relations: The Australian Experience” at Interreligious Encounter Program: From a Common Word to a Common Work, hosted by the Dominican Centre for Research and Inter-Religious Dialogue, Pontianak, Indonesia, July 2012.
Paper: “Ethics in a Multifaith Society: Christians and Muslims in Dialogue” at Assisi2012 Conference organized by The Ecclesiological Investigations International Research Network, Assisi, Italy, April 2012.
Presentation: “The Role of Education in Promoting Peace and Security: Training and Capacity Building for Future Interfaith Leaders” at 6th Regional Interfaith Dialogue, sponsored by the Governments of Australia, Indonesia, the Philippines and New Zealand, Semarang, Indonesia – March 2012
Paper: “From Confrontation to Cooperation – Ethics in a Multifaith Society” at APCID Conference in honour of Fethullah Gülen, ACU Melbourne. November 2011.
Paper: “Reviving the Gender Agenda” presented at ISE-Concilium Conference: From World Mission to Interreligious Witness Visioning Ecumenics in the 21st Century, TCD Dublin. June 2010.
Workshop paper: “How Do Women Experience Salvation?: Catholic and Muslim Women Reflect on Religion and Culture in the Australian context” at Journées Romaines Dominicaines Conference: Universal Salvation: Challenged by Religious Identity, Rome, August 2009.
Other articles and papers
Book review: “Dialogue Derailed: Joseph Ratzinger’s War Against Pluralist Theology” by Ambrose Mong (Cambridge, UK: James Clarke, 2017) in Australasian Catholic Record, Vol. 95, No. 4, October 2018, 505-507.
Book review: “Clash of Cultures: Westernised colonial Christianity and Chinese Culture” (review of “Guns and Gospel: Imperialism and Evangelism in China” by Ambrose Mong, Cambridge, UK: James Clarke, 2016) in The Swag, Vol 25, No 2, Winter 2017, 47-48.
Book review: “A journey of truth and love” (review of My Ecumenical Journey by Bishop Michael Putney) in The Swag, Spring 2014, pp 39-40
Article: “Why are Christians still divided?” Aurora, July 2014, p 15
Article: ‘Thanks to education, reconciliation and hope arise,” Aurora, December 2011, p 13
Paper: “Partners in Dialogue” in Breaking Open the Lineamenta: A Consultation on the ‘New Evangelization’ for the 2012 Synod, 28 September 2011
Article: “Thousands of men and no groping,” Eureka Street, 15 February 2011.
Article: Muslim and Catholic women reclaim a liberating vision, Commemoration Issue 21 of Federation of Ethnic Communities Council of Australia magazine, Australian Mosaic, March 2009, 29-30.
Article: Women and Development: the interaction of culture and religious tradition in early Christianity and Islam,Bridges, no 42, March 2009.
Article: Learning from Islam, The Fountain, issue 60, Oct-Nov 2007, 20-22. First published in OnlineCatholics, 17th November 2004.
Article: What does Spirituality mean for us today? (Talk given at Women of Faith Dinner, 4 April 2004), ACMICA Enews, issue 4, 2004.
Contributed to Sustained Dialogue: Close Encounters of the Muslim-Christian Kind, Sydney: Affinity Intercultural Foundation, March 2004.
Article: Much in Common – Women and the Interfaith Journey: Where are the women in interfaith dialogue?AustralianMosaic, issue 2, Autumn 2003, 18-19.
Paper presented at “Gathering the Threads” Women Scholars in Religion and Theology (WSRT) Conference, Brisbane, January 1998: A Woman of Perfume and Prayer Speaks with Christ-Sophia: Wisdom as a basis for dialogue between Muslims and Christians.
Gina Ciliberto, “This Easter, a Group of Muslims in Australia Will Attend Mass,” Sojourners Magazine, 28 March 2018
ABC Television: The Moral Compass – “Does Christianity really offer women a place at the table?”- Geraldine Doogue with Kristina Keneally, Julia Baird, Trish Madigan OP and John Dickson, ABC television. Sunday 3 May 2015.
Dawn Cherie Araujo, interview: “Q & A with Sr Trish Madigan,” National Catholic Reporter – Global Sisters Report, 28 April 2015
ABC Radio 702 panel discussion:“The Issue: Religion and Gender Equality” on John Cleary Sunday Nights, 10 pm. Panellists: Maha Abdo, CEO, United Muslim Women Association; Sr Trish Madigan, Dominican Sister, lecturer and author; Robyn Lenn, President, International Council of Jewish Women; Saphira Rameshfar, Australian Baha’i Community. Sunday 5 April 2015. Link:
Talk given at NSW Ecumenical Council Fundraising Dinner, 25 May 2009.